わたしは にちようびに、おしりたんてい というほんをかいました。
にちようびに ぜんぶよみました。
I bought a book called “Butt detective” on Sunday.
I read it all on Sunday.
The first story of Butt detective is about a big giant, the second is about something a green creature lost.
It was fun! I want to buy and read (books) again!
- おしり=butt
- 探偵 (たんてい) =detective
- 日曜日 (にちようび) =Sunday
- 本 (ほん) =book
- 読む (よむ) =read
- 全部 (ぜんぶ) =all
- お話 (おはなし) =story
- 大きい (おおきい) =big
- 緑 (みどり) =green
- 生き物 (いきもの) =creature
- 忘れ物 (わすれもの) =lost things
- 楽しい (たのしい) =fun
- また=again
Japanese is a so-called high-context language, which means that subjects and sometimes even objects are very commonly omitted, but sentences still make perfect sense.
Butt Detective is a book character, currently very popular with kids in Japan. There is a lot of merchandise, many books and as of recently even a tv-show featuring Butt Detective!