Neko’s radio


うちでラジオをはじめてききました。うちにあるラジオはCDがきけるから うたがきけます。ひゃくにんいっしゅのCDもきけます。ラジオには ぎんのぼう(アンテナ)があります。でんげんボタンがあります。コンセントをさします。このラジオをわたしのものにしたいです。



Neko’s radio

We listened to the radio for the first time (at home). We have a radio that plays CDs, so we can listen to songs. It also plays a “Hyakunin Isshu” CD. The radio has a silver stick on it (the antenna). There is a power button. I plug in the powerplug. I want to own this radio.

  • ラジオを聴く(きく)=listened to the radio
  • 電源ボタン(でんげんボタン)=power button
  • コンセントをさす=plug in the powerplug
  • ~のもの=own

Ogura Hyakunin Isshu (小倉百人一首) is a classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese waka by one hundred poets. Hyakunin isshu can be translated to “one hundred people, one poem [each]”; it can also refer to the card game of uta-garuta, which uses a deck composed of cards based on the Ogura Hyakunin Isshu.

From Wikipedia