A book I recommend



A book I recommend

I recommend a book called “I am a milk tooth”. It has a lot of shapes of teeth and it’s interesting. Normal teeth, sharp teeth, jagged teeth.. The sharp teeth are for cutting things into small pieces. The jagged teeth are for chewing big and tough things. I think all teeth are important. Please check it out!

  • おすすめ=recommend
  • 乳歯(にゅうし)=a milk tooth
  • 形(かたち)=shape
  • 歯(は)=teeth
  • おもしろい=interesting
  • 普通(ふつう)=normal
  • 尖った(とがった)=sharp
  • 細かく(こまかく)=小さく(ちいさく)=small
  • 噛む(かむ)=chew
  • 固い(かたい)=tough
  • 大切(たいせつ)=important

ギザギザ : sometimes words that don’t actually refer to sounds are also expressed with onomatopeia in Japanese. Gizagiza is a good example of this.


He writes about books he recommends to his friends at school.