Golf competition



Golf competition

Quite some time ago on a Saturday, I entered a golf competition.
I did 18 holes. I failed at the 8th and the 17th hole. It was windy when the competition took place, so it was difficult. Afterwards, we had lunch at the restaurant at the golf course. I got sweets and juice! At the announcement of the final results of the competition, I got 9th place out of 25! The last time I entered a competition, I was 7th out of 20, so it didn’t change much. It was fun.

  • 土曜日(どようび)=Saturday
  • 大会(たいかい)=competition
  • うまくいかない,失敗する(しっぱいする)=fail
  • 風がつよい(かぜがつよい)=windy
  • 難しい(むずかしい)=difficult
  • 最後の結果発表(さいごのけっかはっぴょう)=the announcement of the final results
  • 25人中9位(25にんちゅう9い)=9th place out of 25
  • 変わる(かわる)=change

Big brother uses the word お店 (shop) to refer to a restaurant. This is not a mistake, in Japanese, the word “shop” can refer to many different things.
In Japanese, any meal of the day is referred to as ご飯. It is not time-specific.