We love crafts


Neko loves to make things, so she and I often do crafts. Today we would like to show you some things we made with cardboard.


This is a vending machine for drinks that we made, If you put in some money and push the Disney button below, a can of juice will come out at the bottom.
We used: cardboard, empty rolls of toiletpaper, colored tape, disposable chopsticks, rubber bands and origami.


This is a vending machine for small toys. We call it a “gachagacha”. If you turn the blue bars on the sides of the machine, a capsule containing a toy will come out. To make this, we used a set we bought at the bookstore. We put it together and painted it.

  • 工作(こうさく)=craft
  • 段ボール(だんぼーる)=cardboard
  • 自動販売機(じどうはんばいき)=vending machine
  • 下(した)=bottom
  • トイレットペーパーの芯(トイレットペーパーのしん)=empty rolls of toiletpaper
  • 割り箸(わりばし)=disposable chopsticks
  • 輪ゴム(わごむ)=rubber bands
  • 色を塗る(いろをぬる)=paint