Blue apple【青りんご】



Blue apple

Blue apples are really green, but we call them blue apples. Blue apples look like red apples in shape, but the color is different. I’m not sure if it is true, but I think that maybe the person who first made a red apple, decided to make another one and made a green apple, and then called it blue apple. I ate a blue apple and it was sweet and delicious.

  • ~と言います(~といいます)、~と呼びます(~とよびます)=call
  • 形(かたち)=shape
  • 色(いろ)=color
  • 違う(ちがう)=different
  • 甘い(あまい)=sweet


  • 青(あお)=blue
  • 緑(みどり)=green
  • 黄緑(きみどり)=yellowish green
  • 赤(あか)=red
  • 橙色(だいだいいろ)、オレンジ色=orange
  • 黄色(きいろ)=yellow
  • 紫(むらさき)=purple
  • 水色(みずいろ)=light blue
  • 茶色(ちゃいろ)=brown
  • 白(しろ)=white
  • 灰色(はいいろ)、ねずみ色(ねずみいろ)、グレー=gray
  • 黒(くろ)=black

blue and green
In Japanese, originally there was no word for “green” and “blue” was used instead. This can still be seen when people refer to grass as being “blue”.

Another story about blue and green: Go karts

Green apple: