Thank you


わたしは、おかあさんとあそんでいたとき、「おかあさんだいすきだよ。」といったら、おかあさんが「ありがとう。」といってくれました。わたしはおかあさんと もっとあそびたいとおもいました。もっとすきになりました。



Thank you

When I was playing with mom, I told her “Mom, I love you!” When I said that, mom said to me “Thank you.” I felt like I want to play with her more! I love her more than before.

  • 遊ぶ(あそぶ)=play
  • 大好き(だいすき)=I love you
  • もっと=more

In Japanese culture, we don’t often directly express feelings of love to those closest to us. It is something that is considered to be understood without putting it in words. “Thank you” is a normal reply to being told “I love you”.

好きになる、もっと好きになる; in Japanese we “come to love” people and use the expression 好きになる。