New duty



New duty

At school, we divided new duties. I got lining up duty. At school, we hang our name-magnet on the spot of the duty we want. Lining-up duty means that when we leave the classroom, I have to say “one, two, line to the front!”, then “one, two, hands down!”, then finally, “one, two, let’s leave quietly!”. Next, I would like to get blackboard duty, but any duty is fine. What duty do you like, teacher? Please tell me!

  • 新しい(あたらしい)=new
  • 義務(ぎむ)=duty
  • 並ぶ(ならぶ)=line up
  • 磁石(じしゃく)=magnet
  • 出発(しゅっぱつ)=leave
  • 教室(きょうしつ)=classroom
  • 最後に(さいごに)=finally
  • 静かに(しずかに)=quietly
  • 黒板(こくばん)=blackboard

せーの! = a way of counting down.

前ならえ ↓

In Japanese schools, kids get many duties. They do this to ensure children learn responsibility from a young age. There are many, many different duties, such as “electricity”, “blackboard”, “living things duty” (this means the child is tasked with the responsibility for any animals and bugs that might be kept in the classroom) “window-duty” etc.