Meteor Shower (Animal Crossing)【流星群(どうぶつの森)】



Meteor Shower (Animal Crossing)

On the day of the meteor shower, there are lots of falling stars. To catch a falling star, you have to look at the sky and push the A button when you see one. Then the star will light up in yellow and the next day, a part of it will be on the beach. Today I saw a falling star and made a wish. I’m excited for tomorrow.

  • 流星(りゅうせい)=Meteor
  • 流れ星(ながれぼし)=falling/shooting stars
  • 押す(おす)=push

Animal Crossing: New Horizons【あつまれどうぶつの森】

Fishing (Animal Crossing)【釣り(どうぶつの森)】

Catching bugs (Animal Crossing) 【虫取り(どうぶつの森)】

Fish I caught lately【最近釣った魚】