Tokyo Prefecture【東京都】








Tokyo Prefecture

Tokyo Prefecture has a surface area of only 2194 square kilometers, making it the 45th largest on the list, however Tokyo’s population is, with 13.53 million citizens, far larger than that of the second on the list, Osaka, and as such the largest by a landslide.

One famous landmark in Tokyo, is the Tokyo Skytree, which is the world’s highest independent radiotower. It is 643 meters high.

Edogawa-ward is known for it’s thriving cultivation of Komatsuna, a green leafed vegetable somewhat similar to spinach.

Tokyo is also home to the national Diet Building, the epicenter of Japanese politics.

As Tokyo is the capital of Japan and welcomes many visitors both from Japan and abroad, it has an extensive public transportation network made up of trainlines and the like.

Ogasawarashotou is a group of small islands known to be the habitat of a bird called Yurikamome.

  • 平方へいほうキロメートル(㎢)=square kilometers
  • 名所(めいしょ)=landmark
  • 自立する(じりつする)=independent
  • 国会議事堂(こっかいぎじどう)=the national Diet Building
  • 政治(せいじ)=politics