Real world excursion



Real world excursion

I went from school to the supermarket on foot. The excursion took pretty long, so it was good. We got to see the place where they cut the fish and areas that normally only employees can enter. I also saw fruits, vegetables, beverages and bread. It was fun, so I want to go again.

  • スーパー=supermarket
  • 歩いて(あるいて)=on foot
  • 結構長い(けっこうながい)=pretty long
  • 通常(つうじょう)、普通は(ふつうは)=normally
  • 店員(てんいん)、従業員(じゅうぎょういん)=employee
  • 入る(はいる)=enter
  • 果物(くだもの)、フルーツ=fruit
  • 野菜(やさい)=vegetable
  • 飲み物(のみもの)=beverage
  • パン=bread


社会見学 : Japanese kids get to go on a sort of excursion to see how society functions. This time big brother got to see the supermarket from behind the scenes.

Big brother asked me to come to the supermarket to watch the excursion, so I did, but in order not to stand out and behave like a regular customer, I took a basket and randomly put products in it as I tried to find big brother among the kids. I had a lot of trouble finding him however, and ended up putting so many products in the basket, that it cost me a total of 3000 yen …