Ghostleg and Amichan【あみだくじとあみだくじのあみちゃん】




Ghostleg and Amichan

Amichan visited Ghostleg’s house. She rang the doorbell, but nobody came to the door. After she had rung the bell about 5 times, Ghostleg came home. Amichan called Ghostleg. “Ghostleg, I thought you weren’t home because you didn’t come to the door even though I was ringing the bell!”
Ghostleg answered:
“I’m in the middle of grocery shopping, but I bought a lot so I came to bring some groceries home.”
Then, he took a small suitcase on wheels and went back to the store. Amichan went along to help.

When they got back from grocery shopping, Amichan was tired. Ghostleg said: “How about we take a rest?”

  • あみだくじ=Ghostleg
  • 鳴らす(ならす)=ring
  • ~なのに=even though
  • 一緒に行く(いっしょにいく)=go along
  • 休憩する(きゅうけいする)=take a rest

ピンポーン this is the sound of a doorbell.

Neko refers to a small suitcase on wheels (like the ones you can use for carry-on luggage on an airplane) as コロコロ。This is because of the rolling sound the wheels make.

The first story about Ghostleg : Ghost Leg