Like friends


ねこ:「もう友達になった気分(^O^ )/」

Like friends

Neko tends to feel like she makes friends just through talking to people for a few minutes. The lady who comes to collect money for the newspaper, the waitress at the restaurant, you name it. She talks with them for 2, 3 minutes; and they’re friends.
She always tells those people “I feel like we’re friends now!”
In response, she usually gets told “You’d be friends with an old lady like me? Thank you!”
I suppose anyone would be happy to be asked “Wanna be friends?”. Those are nice words.

  • ~気分(~きぶん)=feel like
  • 数分(すうふん)=for a few minutes
  • 集金(しゅうきん)=collect money
  • 友達になろう(ともだちになろう)=Wanna be friends?

In Japan, it is possible to pay for the newspaper automatically through your bankaccount, but you can also choose to pay in cash, once a month, in that case someone will come to your house to collect the money.

Japanese newspapers are still read by many people.