Cute boy【かわいい男の子】








Cute boy

One day, big brother and dad went out in the morning. When they came back, a bit past noon;

Big brother: “I haven’t touched mom all day! I wonder if there’s ever been a day like this before..”

He decided to turn today into a day without touching mom, and moved away from me. However, it didn’t last very long, and pretty soon he came near me and touched me.

Big brother: “Aaah I touched you!”

Now that he had touched me, the game had ended and he said “Tickle me! Let’s play!” and stuck to me.

It is cute how he is open and comes to cuddle.

  • 出かける(でかける)=go out
  • 帰る(かえる)=come back
  • 触る(さわる)=touch
  • 決める(きめる)=decide
  • ~なしで=without
  • 離れる(はなれる)=move away
  • 続く(つづく)=last
  • 少し(すこし)、ちょっと=pretty
  • こちょこちょする、くすぐる=tickle
  • 引っ付く(ひっつく)=stick

素直すなお :
This word translates to “honest” or “straightforward” but it’s meaning and usage are quite a bit wider than that. It is often used to indicate someone being true to their feelings (not that common a thing for Japanese people to do, generally). In this case I chose to go with “open” as a translation, but a dictionary might have given “honest” as a translation instead.

This word also has a broad meaning. It is everything from relying on a loved one for help, to cuddling up with a parent or a lover. In this case, I went with “cuddle”, but a dictionary might give multiple other translations.